
Showing posts from April, 2013

Nelson Turbo-Heart 15-Jet Oscillating Sprinkler with 2,750 Square-Foot Coverage 50905

Parts Washer, 3-D Oscillating Manifold Vortex Parts Washer

Parts Washer, 3-D Oscillating Manifold Vortex Parts Washer   Parts Washer, 3-D Oscillating Manifold Vortex Parts Washer Tube. Duration : 0.17 Mins. Parts Washer, 3-D Oscillating Manifold Vortex Parts Washer The 3-D Oscillating System is a Non-Sequential Oscillating design. This system uses an Oscillating manifold that glides back and forth spraying the load vertically, and horizontally pivoting... Parts Washer, 3-D Oscillating Manifold Vortex Parts Washer Parts Washer, 3-D Oscillating Manifold Vortex Parts Washer Parts Washer, 3-D Oscillating Manifold Vortex Parts Washer

Garden Mark Square-n-Circle sprinkler

Garden Mark Square-n-Circle sprinkler   Garden Mark Square-n-Circle sprinkler Video Clips. Duration : 0.75 Mins. Garden Mark Square-n-Circle sprinkler Field-testing a Sherman snc sprinkler. Garden Mark Square-n-Circle sprinkler     Garden Mark Square-n-Circle sprinkler

Crazy Wedding ball (with hits from the 90's and funny ball moves)

Crazy Wedding ball (with hits from the 90's and funny ball moves)   Crazy Wedding ball (with hits from the 90's and funny ball moves) Tube. Duration : 4.97 Mins. Crazy Wedding ball (with hits from the 90's and funny ball moves) Wedding Waltz from my and Carina's wedding. Recorded with the guests' smart phones. Featuring hits from the 90's and crazy dance moves like: - Scary Hands - ... Crazy Wedding ball (with hits from the 90's and funny ball moves) Crazy Wedding ball (with hits from the 90's and funny ball moves)